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Firstly,I must start the day with a good coffee LOL :o) I love Fashion.Travel.Design.Style among many other beautiful places and things - I have so many gorgeous things to share....and a few crazy ideas I am sure LOL -I hope you enjoy :o) x

Friday, January 9, 2009

Woo Hoo - 2009!

Woo Hoo - 2009 is here.

I have mixed feelings about 2009. It is the start of a new year which means in my mind I can start a fresh - however there is also a tinge of sadness in my mind as I am turning 30, which is not a big deal in itself, I mean I don't need botox or anything yet LOL - HOWEVER it just means that things are really moving along and I really need to get my act together. I guess that it just makes me feel a little pressured.

It's not like there is anything BAD about being old I guess - it is just so grand being YOUNG. The problem is when you are young, well this is with me anyway - I just did not realise how good it was to be young and I wasted sooo much time. The nature of the beast hey! - when you are young you want to be old, and when you are old you want to be young.

Looking back, and forward I guess...you should don't try and be what you are not and "Live in the moment". Only then will you make the most of what you have at the time.

I wish I would have done more in my 20s....I was too committed, too nice/slow/complacent/always wanted better/whinged all the time - however funnily enough I was just talking to my workmates about some of the hollidays that I have had, and I guess that I have had some amazing moments.

Anyways, I am bleeting on - so peace out.