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Firstly,I must start the day with a good coffee LOL :o) I love Fashion.Travel.Design.Style among many other beautiful places and things - I have so many gorgeous things to share....and a few crazy ideas I am sure LOL -I hope you enjoy :o) x

Monday, October 20, 2008

Study Woes....

Firstly, I have no idea why my post initially would only let me compose in Hindi. Not that I have anything against Hindi, and it looks beautifully artful - but I don't understand it!?! LOL.

So, my thought that I want to share today are: I have no idea why I procrastinate so much about completing my masters assignments. Note to self: Must plan in advance to avoid near heart failure. I always seem to pull something good out of goodness knows where - the adrenalin definitely helps with performance, but it adversely affects my mental health ;o) LOL.

My week is going to be crazy..study, work, sick partner.

Anyways - enough of the woe is me. Back to work and organising my Study...

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